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580 Units
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Fully Completed
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7 Available
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4 Bedrooms
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Up to
3 Bathrooms
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Residensi Junjong is a terrace housing development built on a 63-acre of freehold land located in a centre location and surrounded by greenery. For the comfort and safety of all residents, the residence provides several basic facilities and is equipped with security systems such as the installation of closed-circuit cameras within a gated and guarded community. Located in a strategic location, Residensi Junjong has easy access to several key areas such as Bandar Kulim, Pekan Junjong and Kampung Permatang Trong, thus providing various existing amenities to the residents.

There is also public transportation such as bus and taxi services near the residence. With an affordable starting price, Residensi Junjong provides an opportunity for individuals who are single or have a family with a mid-level income to own a dream home. The units available come with built-ups ranging from 1,140 sqft to 1,895 sqft. For those who are looking for a peaceful residence in Kulim, Kedah, Residensi Junjong is your ideal choice.

* Price is subject to change.
Illustrations of concept designs are subject to approval by the local authorities.

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  • Access From Pekan Junjong Via Jalan Tasek / Jalan Junjong

  • Bus Station

  • Tesco Kulim

  • SK Machang Bubuk
  • MRSM Kulim
  • Kolej Mara Kulim

  • Hospital Kulim
  • Klinik Desa Machang Bubuk


Ground Floor, Blok F, No. 2, Jalan PJU 1A/7A,
Oasis Square, Ara Damansara,
47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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Phone: 03-76289898

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